maintaining and repairing the black ultra-compact trekking pole MT500

REF: 8493720



We firmly believe that the life cycle of a product does not end when it gets damaged. This is why Decathlon is offering solutions for properly using, maintaining and repairing your product, in order to extend its lifespan.

This MT500 pole is designed to be durable and robust, but if you have a question or run into a problem, this page is for you.

Using your mt500 hiking pole for the first time

Why use hiking poles?

Poles are very popular with hikers because of their many benefits. They are useful in the following three areas:
- Safety by preventing falls and retaining balance
- Increased performance for those who want to go faster and walk for longer
- Health for improved posture and relieving the back and the joints as a result

Why use hiking poles?
How to open your mt500 pole

The MT500 pole is different from others in that it folds on itself. To open your pole, untie the Velcro and let it unfold itself. Then, pull the brown aluminium ring until the metal end, called the push-pin, pops out (you have to pull hard enough) and clips into the hole.

We provide more details in the page below.

Why to use hiking poles

When standing, the forearm holding the pole should be at a right angle to the upper arm, which is in line with the body.

Each user can choose the way they walk with hiking poles. Whether you use the alternate or simultaneous pole-ing technique, with one or two poles, you are free to adapt your technique to make it as natural as possible.

We recommend planting the tips of your poles far in front of you or to the sides so that you don't trip yourself up when you walk.

It is important to take into account the gradient of the slope and adjust your pole-ing technique accordingly:

- Going uphill, you can grip slightly lower down the pole so that you don't have to constantly change its setting.
- Going downhill, you can use the pommel and remove the wrist strap to reduce the risk of falling. The pole is meant to provide support, but you should not put your entire body weight on it.

How to use the MT500 hiking poles
How to adjust your mt500 pole

The external blocker is the most popular system used for easily and precisely adjusting it to the length you want.
Once your pole is unfolded, all you have to do is open the lever of the external blocker and slide the section to the required length. Finish by closing the lever. Be careful not to go beyond the red line of the stop mark.

If you feel that the pole is coming loose and the sections are starting to slip, don't hesitate to tighten the external blocker with the adjustment wheel.

Use the external blocker on your pole
How to adjust the wrist strap

The correct positioning of the hand in the wrist strap is really important because it improves grip and comfort. Whether the wrist strap has a Velcro or a clip fastening system, follow our advice.

How to adjust the strap on your hiking pole
How to reduce the noise of your poles

Because the noise of the repeated tapping sound on the ground is sometimes annoying, you can add rubber caps to the tips of your poles. However, these can only reduce the noise level and cannot completely eliminate the noise coming from other parts of the pole.

Where to hang your poles on a backpack

There are many spaces provided on the hiking bags to carry your poles when you are not using them during your entire hike.
The main benefit of the MT500 pole and poles with more than 3 sections is that you can fold them up, which means that you can easily store it inside a bag or in a side pocket.

Where to hang your hiking poles on a backpack
When to use baskets

The baskets are not required and you can largely do without them. However, they can be very useful in preventing your tips from getting stuck in between rocks and snapping your pole. What's more, you can use slightly larger winter baskets to prevent the pole from digging deep into snow or even sand.

Maintaining, storing and cleaning an MT500 pole from Decathlon

Maintain your mt500 hiking pole

Your hiking poles must be maintained from time to time in order to make them last longer and maintain their effectiveness.

Pole maintenance mainly involves keeping them clean! Remember to clean them properly on the outside as well as on the inside. Check out the process on the page below.

When you are not using your poles, fold them up and leave the blockers untightened in order to preserve clamping power.

Mt500 poles:
compatible spare parts

Repair your hiking pole

Replace the tip of your pole

You do not have the right equipment or you do not feel able to carry out this repair? No problem: our workshops will take care of you! Click on the link below and book an appointment with one of our workshops by entering the following service number: 8032079.

Recycle your mt500 hiking pole

You have no other option than to throw away your poles? Get into the habit of not putting them in the household or recycling waste and go to a recycling centre so that they can be repurposed. Because they are mainly made of aluminium, the pole will go into the metal section, while the baskets will go into the plastic section.

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