RTC 690

REF: 8056890

RTC 690


Year of commercialization: 2009

I have a problem

Missing parts or broken components

Click \"NO\"

The console in on but doesn't respond

No information is displayed when the console is switched on
           => The console is not properly connected
Check that the console is properly connected



My speed stays at '0'

The seat does not pass over the sensor
           => move the seat with your hands and pass it over the round sensor.

My rowing machine is noisy

The rowing machine is noisy when in use
           => The screws are loose
Tighten all visible screws
           => The moving parts need lubrication and the seat squeaks. 
Lubricate the joints and the seat rail with a silicone spray

The console doesn't turn on or the display fades out

The display is barely visible or not at all visible
           => The batteries are dead
Replace the batteries

Manual and software

RTC 690

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