REF: 8666676

SFI 500


In the technical data sheet, you'll find the user guide, as well as our maintenance advice and compatible spare parts to help you get the most out of your product.

Looking after your inflatable board to make it last

There is no secret to making your inflatable board last longer: you just have to look after it properly. 2 simple and easy tips to enjoy your board for longer:

Taking care of your inflatable board 

When you're not using it, it's best to leave it in a shady spot to protect it from the heat and sun.

After each use, rinse your board in cold water to protect it from salt and sand.

Do I need to rinse the wing after each use?
Storing your inflatable board

You won't be using your board for a few days? It’s best to store your board in a dry and ventilated place.

If you plan to store your board inflated, the best thing to do is lower the pressure to around 8 psi and store your board upright against a wall or flat on the ground. To prevent deformation (it’s still an inflatable board😉), do not leave any heavy objects leaning on it.


spare parts

Head to the Decathlon site to find all of the spare parts for your product!