VM 680

REF: 8077284

VM 680


Year of commercialization: 2008


I have a problem

I'm having a problem with the level of resistance

The console works, but the resistance stays at '1'
On of the pins inside the connection between the cables is bended. If so, rebow the pin into the right direction.

Difficulty detecting the pulse

The heart rate indicator is not flashing or flashes erratically
=>Check that the heart rate monitor belt is properly positioned (check the heart rate monitor's instructions)


VM 680
My bike makes a clicking noise on every pedal turn

The pedals are not tight enough
            =>Loosen the pedals 1 tour and tighten them back up as hard as possible

I 'm having a problem with the pedals

1. I can't assemble the pedals
           => Assembly problem
Make sure to use the right pedal (marked with \"R\") on the right side and the left pedal (marked with \"L\") on the left side
2. I hear a noise when pedaling
           => Make sure that all pedales have been properly mounted
Make sure that all washers have been properly mounted (as per the instructions) and that all screws are tight enough

Missing parts or broken components

 Look for the number of the part and click ’NO’

My console doesn't turn on

1. Assembly problem
=>At the back of the console
Refer to the instructions to check that the console has been connected correctly

=>At the connection between the two tubes
Refer to the instructions to check that the cables have been connected correctly

2. Electrical problem
=>Your bike works with batteries
Check that the batteries are properly positioned with the correct +/- polarity. If the problem persists, start again with new batteries

=>Your bike is plugged into the main socket
Check if the adaptor is correctly connected to the bike and plugged into the main sokcet and make sure that it works
3. Problem in use
Information: the console will not switch on if you are using batteries and the mains power at the same time

VM 680
The console displays speed and distance with the wrong unit (km/mi)

Calibration problem
           => Check that the switch at the back of the console is in the position MI for miles and KM for kilometres
Press RESET to validate

My bike makes noise

The screws are loose
           => Tighten all visible screws


Manual and software

VM 680

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