W600 S - ONtraining 600S

REF: 8245564



Spare parts

Here is the list of spare parts for the W600 S - ONTRAINING 600S :

- CR2032 BATTERY :
Reference: 5867205

You can order spare parts (depending on availability) on our decathlon.co.uk site by clicking on one of the buttons below or contact the after-sales team at your usual DECATHLON store.

W600 S - ONtraining 600S
W600 S - ONtraining 600S

Cr2032 battery

Reference: 5867205

Workshop services

You want to entrust us with your product for repair. Here is the list of services offered by our workshops :

(No workshop service for the W600 S - ONTRAINING 600S).

User guides

  • Need the product manual? Click download.

W600 S - ONtraining 600S

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